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SUBMITTING YOUR DOCUMENTS for certified uk transl (Stp3).

You can upload a scan/photo in Step 3 of the website booking or by email (originals not needed in most cases, see below when originals are required). This means it is Faster to order on our website. Please remember that when you submit the t r a n s l a t e d documents to organizations, they may want to see the original documents as well, in which case just enclose your original documents with the t  r  a  n  s  l a t e d/stamped documents.

In special cases, some public organizations (such as the General Dental Council, General Medical Council) require a T r u e  C o p y* of the original document to be stamped along with the t r a n s l a t e d document. In which case you need to send us the original for our s o l i c i t o r to make a True Copy* or you can have any s o l i c i t o r you know make a True Copy, then post to us (postal address below).

*True Copies are copies of original documents which have been verified by a  s o l i c i t o r  or  n o t a r y public that the original was compared against the copy and it conforms exactly to the original. He or she will stamp or write such verification on the copy, sign and date it.

Please note that if you require us to Legalise (A p o s t i l e) documents at the Foreign, Commonwealth & Dev. Office (F C D O) such as B  i  r t h, M a r r i a g e, D e a t h, No Impediment to Marry documents issued from the General Register Office U K or your local council, Absolute D i v o r c e  Decrees from a U K Court, U K C r i m i n a l  R e c o r d  D B S, U K Probates, U K Naturalization, they HAVE to be originals or original extracts. We can accept copies/scans for such documents to get started, but you then need to post them if they are to be l e g a l i z e d  (a p o s t i l l e) by us at the F C D O (please use Special Delivery mail with tracking number when sending originals, regular mail can get lost). See our l e g a l i s a t i o n/a p o s t i l l e page for more info.

Important! Is the date of issue on your document old and will it be valid for the authority you are sending it to? Check first with the authority whether a more recent document needs to be t r a n s l a t e d. For example for some D B S  C r i m i n a l  R e c o r d s and B i r t h Documents, it is usually the case that they cannot be older than 6 months.

When sending documents to us, please make sure the scan or photo is flat and not skewed (max. 5MB total), or copy we receive is legible, in colour, and the edges of pages not cut off and straight.

- Post/In person: certified uk transl, 31A Crawford Place, London W1H 4LL (by post by Special Delivery or collection and drop off only, no over-the-counter booking service). Monday to Friday 11am to 3pm for Drop-off or Collections.

- Upload / email: scan/photo (PDF or JPG or Word), choose a reasonable resolution but not too high or not too low. Total files sizes must not exceed 5MB. If sending photos, please make sure they fill out the whole page, are square and straight and are legible.

Any problems? give us a shout on  020 8133 8131